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5 Quick Ways To Make Your Medical Practice More Tech-Friendly!

5 Quick Ways To Make Your Medical Practice More Tech-Friendly

Are you hesitant to integrate the latest technology into your medical practice? You could be wasting time and money.

Technology has affected virtually every industry and changed our lives forever. The medical health care industry is no exception. While some practices have fully embraced technology, there are many who still lag behind. It's actually surprising to still see manila folders behind the front desk of some facilities. In this post, we’ll cover five ways to make your medical practice more tech friendly. Our list includes:

  • Communication

  • Electronic Filing

  • Mobile

  • Automation

  • Presentation

VoIP Phone System


Communication is the life blood of any medical practice as information drives operations. Integrating a Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone system can help nurses and patients communicate with each other for general information such as appointments and hours of operation. VOIP systems are also more efficient than traditional phone systems because of better quality and low cost.

Video Telehealth platforms are another great way patients and providers can communicate. Since the global pandemic of 2020, telehealth has been fully embraced as patients who live further distances or have limited mobility don’t have to drive far for visits and allows doctors to see more patients in a day.

And though many doctors struggle with embracing social media, it has allowed providers to market their practice by providing instant updates to keep their audiences informed. With just the click of a button, practices are able to reach larger audiences faster than traditional marketing methods as well as accurately track growing audiences.

Electronic Filing

Electronic Filing

As a practice grows, finding a good EMR system for electronic record keeping is essential. It can be scary to think how vulnerable traditional paper trail systems were in the past. But modern electronic filing allows speed of access, privacy and efficiency.

Patient portals also allow direct communication with patients through appointment scheduling and email. They also allow you to save money by reducing waste of storage space.

Mobile Medicine


Mobile technology (MT) has become common in many medical practices. One of the primary benefits is the access to data. MT helps with the distribution of information while following HIPAA compliancy which are the rules and regulations of how that data is able to be shared. And though cyber security is always a threat, improvements in technology make a mobile option beneficial.

MT also gives easy access to the internet to quickly search problems on the spot. No longer are doctors required to have libraries of heavy books and journals containing information.

But direct communication might be the greatest benefit to adopting mobile technology into your medical practice. With platforms like Telehealth and EMR, it allows doctors the freedom to travel while maintaining efficiency of care. I've witnessed practitioners enter patients' rooms and simply log onto a tablet that nurses have access to as well. This along with text message and even voice capabilities makes MT an ideal choice in your practice.



Doctors spend over 40% of their time on tedious administrative tasks. Using technology to automate some of these tasks can save time and money. Automated equipment can also assist with basic lab work procedures such as testing and monitoring and in effect reduce human error.

But where automation has the greatest benefit is in patient management. With the influx of data such as patients charts and intake forms, automated software can help manage and streamline workflow. This includes scheduling, prescription refills, appointment updates, reminders and basic personalized doctor patient communication.

Presentation Technology


The final area where technology can improve your medical practice is through the presentation of information. Healthcare providers can present timely data to patients or their team using visual aids that can help guide audiences and help explain information that words can’t. You're able to display charts, graphs, images and even video and some even allow real time editing. Education of the community and peers on complex medical information is essential to running a successful medical practice but is made easier with today's advanced technology.

So in conclusion, whether it's an LCD display in the waiting room, the latest testing equipment, or being on social media, technology is here to stay. So if your medical practice is struggling to take advantage of everything technology has to offer, it might be time for your practice to get with the times.

To find out how to make your medical practice more tech friendly contact YESHUA GROUP for a free consultation.

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